Monday, August 25, 2008


me and richie-basically i put this here because my hair look fabulous-what now?

the nauvoo temple

like the best pic i've ever taken, in nauvoo

me and robby, my little bro

so my summer has offically ended.....SAD!! efy is done, and i am back at work. i'm not going back to school to january so i get the privalege of staying in tennessee until then. i don't know if my parents are to thrilled to have me home til then. All i know is that i desperately need the money and i am so blessed to have parents that will let me live with them when i'm 23 to earn money.

in january, i'll go back to BYU-I where i will resume my music degree. i am actually super exctied to go back and get going so i can FINALLY get my bachelors! i can not imagine a day where there will be no such thing as going to class!